
1. сущ.
1) общ. самоубийство, суицид

to commit suicide — совершить самоубийство

to attempt suicide — совершить попытку самоубийства

The suicide rate among men between the ages of 16 and 25 has risen alarmingly. — Уровень самоубийств среди мужчин от 16 до 25 лет значительно вырос.

Many suicides occur in prisons. — Много самоубийств совершается в тюрьмах.

2) общ. самоубийца

suicide bomber — террорист-смертник

3) общ. провал планов, крах надежд и т. п. по собственной вине

political [economic\] suicide — политический [экономический\] крах

As a leader he knows that it is political suicide to appear indecisive. — Как лидер, он осознает, что его нерешительность может привести к политическому краху.

Buying that house was financial suicide. — Покупка того дома была финансовым провалом.

2. гл.
общ. совершить самоубийство, покончить с собой

she suicided at the age of 15 — она покончила с собой в 15 лет

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "suicide" в других словарях:

  • SUICIDE — Le suicide trahit au premier chef le désir de surmonter l’irréversibilité, mais dans l’antécédence. «C’est parfois la peur de la mort qui pousse les hommes à la mort», disait Épicure. Mais qu’est ce que cette crainte de la mort, sinon l’attente… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Suicide — • The act of one who causes his own death, either by positively destroying his own life, as by inflicting on himself a mortal wound or injury, or by omitting to do what is necessary to escape death, as by refusing to leave a burning house… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • suicide — is a major public health problem for China that is only gradually being recognized. During the period from 1995 to 1999, there were an estimated 287,000 suicides each year, which makes suicide the fifth most important cause of death in the… …   Encyclopedia of Contemporary Chinese Culture

  • Suicide — Основная информация Жанры …   Википедия

  • Suicide — Datos generales Origen Nueva York, NY Estado En activo Información artística …   Wikipedia Español

  • suicide — n. The act of killing oneself. v. commit suicide The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008. suicide a killing of …   Law dictionary

  • suicide — deliberate killing of oneself, 1650s, from Mod.L. suicidium suicide, from L. sui of oneself (gen. of se self ), from PIE *s(u)w o one s own, from root *s(w)e (see IDIOM (Cf. idiom)) + cidium a killing (see …   Etymology dictionary

  • suicide — [so͞o′ə sīd΄] n. [L sui, of oneself (< IE * sewe , refl. pron. < base * se , apart > OE swæs, own) + CIDE] 1. the act of killing oneself intentionally 2. ruin of one s interests or prospects through one s own actions, policies, etc. 3. a …   English World dictionary

  • Suicide — Su i*cide, n. [L. sui of one s self (akin to suus one s own) + caedere to slay, to kill. Cf. {So}, adv., {Homicide}.] 1. The act of taking one s own life voluntary and intentionally; self murder; specifically (Law), the felonious killing of one s …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • suicide — ► NOUN 1) the action of killing oneself intentionally. 2) a person who does this. 3) (before another noun ) referring to a military operation carried out by people who do not expect to survive it: a suicide bomber. 4) a course of action which is… …   English terms dictionary

  • Suicide — Allgemeine Informationen Genre(s) Punkrock, New Wave, No Wave Gründung Anfang 1970er …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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